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British Vogue: How To Support Your Body As You Go Through Menopause

By Maya Feller

April 4th, 2023

28 March 2023

Menopause, and the perimenopausal period that leads up to it, brings about huge changes to the body, from hot flashes, mood swings and weight gain – particularly around the middle – to aches, pains, brain fog and insomnia, which is all to do with declining levels of oestrogen. Women may also experience changes to their bone, brain, skin, hair, heart, gut and digestion health, which is why it’s so important to look at your diet as you enter this new chapter. Below, Vogue asks the experts for their top tips on how to support the body, mind and soul as you go through menopause.


Maya Feller, dietician and nutritionist

Experiment with sea vegetables
Fatty acids from sea vegetables, seafood and nuts and seeds are helpful, as they have anti-inflammatory properties that may help blunt some of the effects of systemic inflammation.

Be mindful of alcohol
For those that drink, limiting intake is always helpful, as alcohol is a toxin that changes body chemistry. Having more days of the week where alcohol is not consumed supports internal balance and health.

Read the full article here.
