sleep hydration

So you are in your 20s…

Here are 6 reasons to care about your brain health Tip #1: Eat Enough Our first tip to maximize your long-term brain (and body) health is: eat enough! Your brain accounts for only about 2% of your body weight but uses roughly 20% of all the energy! Let’s pause for a moment…the health of your […]

sleep sleep

Oprah Daily: 10 Ways to Embrace Wholeness Every Day

Expert advice on how to cut through the noise and get in touch with your truest self. By Bethany Heitman and Jennie Tung Published: Jan 18, 2023 In the spirit of living more fully, we asked thought leaders we admire what wholeness means to them, and how they cultivate it in their own lives. Whatever […]

Chronic inflammation - Maya Feller Nutrition
sleep inflammation

Chronic Inflammation: What It Is, What It Does, and How to Fight It

Chronic inflammation is a term that is often used in relation to illness, but what exactly is it? What does it do, why does it increase the risk of disease, and how can you prevent it? These are the very questions that need to be asked and effectively answered if we want to turn the […]

How to get rid of a cold - Maya Feller Nutrition
sleep Antioxidant

How to Get Rid of a Cold: 6 Natural Remedies

It’s that time of year when viruses such as the common cold and other upper respiratory infections seem to be everywhere. So, if you’ve been googling things like “how to get rid of a cold,” you aren’t alone. In fact, we are always looking for ways to support our health and immune systems! So, I’d […]

sleep sleep

65 Habits That Can Help You Live A Longer Life

I was quoted in this Eat This, Not That compliation of health and wellness experts’ top tips to adopting healthy habits and  some more easy ways you can live a healthier lifestyle and live a longer life: “More and more the demands of life are increasing, and multitasking is the norm. Some people may find […]

sleep beauty

6 Cherry-Licious Health Benefits of Sweet Cherries

Summer is my favorite time of year and peak growing season for produce. Farms are bursting with flavors and colors. Eating the rainbow of fresh produce, in its whole and minimally processed form, gives you access to a wide array of vitamins and minerals that are supportive of optimal health. This is the perfect time […]

sleep sleep

How to get through a day on no sleep

I offered some tips will help you survive the day when you’re running on empty in this article on NBC Better. Resist Sugar, Carbs, and Processed Foods Your tired body will crave an easily digestible and quick high, but with that high comes a gnarly crash, warned registered dietician, Maya Feller. “Skip the ultra-processed foods and […]