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Today’s Dietitian: Pulses: Are Pulses a Misunderstood Food Group?

By Maya Feller

October 6th, 2023

By Karen Collins, MS, RDN, CDN, FAND
Vol. 25 No. 8 P. 20

Help clients bypass misconceptions and include more of these nutritional gems.

Some people use the term “pulses” interchangeably with “legumes.” However, legumes encompass a broad category of plants with seeds that grow in pods. The differences among legumes lead to distinct nutritional profiles. The most common types fall into three categories1,2:

• Pulses are the dry edible seeds from within a pod. Although there are multiple types and hundreds of specific examples, pulses in the United States often are grouped into four main types: dry beans, dry peas, chickpeas, and lentils.

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