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Cosmopolitan: The 10 Superfoods Everyone Will be Talking About in 2024

By Maya Feller

February 6th, 2024

By Samantha Leal
Feb 5, 2024

Cherries are already taking over.

Every year, it seems like there’s a hot new food trend that all the fitness and wellness influencers on your FYP are talking about. Remember when the people made cauliflower rice happen? Or when kale chips were a thing? Or that whole BS trend about adding lemon in your coffee? Basically, just like aesthetics come and go, food has fads too—especially those that are considered “superfoods.”

Superfoods, like berries or quinoa, get their name because they’re said to pack a ton of nutritional power. But the moniker can be a bit misleading, and might even cause some people to obsess about what they should and shouldn’t eat, says Christine Byrne, MPH, RD, owner of Ruby Oak Nutrition. “It’s important to remember that ‘superfood’ is a marketing term—not anything that’s defined by or used in nutrition science—since no single food is really that powerful when it comes to nutrition and health,” she explains. “When people say ‘superfood,’ they’re typically talking about a nutrient-dense food that’s trendy.”

To many nutritionists and medical experts, there is no set list of superfoods, just many items that can be beneficial to your diet—like all fruits and vegetables, says Maya Feller, MS, RD, CDN, founder and lead dietitian at Maya Feller Nutrition and author of Eating from Our Roots. “They each have their own set of unique properties that can be enhanced when combined with other nutrients,” she says. “Just because someone is hailing a particular food as inherently superior does not make it true.”

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