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Steps That Each Of Us Can Take To Proactively Help Heal Our Country

By Maya Feller

July 17th, 2020

Check our this interview I did with Authority Magazine about some steps that each of us can take to proactively help heal our country:

This is a traumatic time for everyone in the US. The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the globe and exposed the most unsavory inequities in this country. The most vulnerable in this country bore and continue to bear the brunt of the virus. From the unnecessary loss of life to starvation. After months of being on PAUSE the nation watched in horror as extreme violence was done to Black bodies. The irony of this is that this violence against Black bodies has always existed, but now the world was watching and sharing. As an Afro-Carribean American, I deeply felt the collective pain associated with the pandemic and subsequent violence against Black bodies.
