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Martha Stewart: This Registered Dietitian Wrote a Book About Global Cuisine

By Maya Feller

February 3rd, 2023

This Registered Dietitian Wrote a Book About Global Cuisine, and Says There’s More to Healthy Eating Than the Mediterranean Diet

A more inclusive approach to food and nutrition can change how we think about eating well, explains Maya Feller, RDN.

By Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner
February 03, 2023

There’s no singular or correct way to eat or be healthy—that’s one of the biggest things Maya Feller, RDN, learned while writing her new cookbook, Eating From Our Roots: 80+ Healthy Home-Cooked Favorites From Cultures Around The World. The book is a celebration of cuisine that’s healthy by the merit of its origins and ingredients, rather than pure macronutrients.

This approach to nutrition is additive, not reductive, and encourages a balanced, healthy relationship with food. It’s achieved by consuming a variety of foods and flavors without being absolute—after all, humans and their respective diets are not a monolith. “I want to be a part of the movement that is celebrating heritage and traditional foods from cultures around the world,” Feller writes in the cookbook.

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