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Drama-Free Healthy Living With Jess Cording Podcast
Episode 169: An Interview with Dietitian Author, and Speaker Maya Feller
Feb 21, 2023
In today’s podcast episode, Maya Feller, MS, RD, CDN, cookbook author and founder of Maya Feller Nutrition, is joining us to discuss an anti-bias, inclusive, culturally sensitive approach to nutrition, an area that the nutrition field has historically missed the mark on. Maya specializes in nutrition for chronic diseases and is a nationally recognized nutrition expert that has incredible insights to share.
Dedicated to promoting nutrition education, Maya is seeking to help the public to make informed food choices that support health and longevity. You can check out her latest cookbook, Eating from Our Roots: 80+ Healthy Home-Cooked Favorites from Cultures Around the World for delicious, healthy recipes that will send your taste buds on an exquisite cultural journey.