
What Nutritionists Serve Their Kids For Dinner

HuffPost asked a group of nutritionists what they serve their kids for dinner, and I shared my general guidelines and kid-approved dish ideas:

My son is a vegetarian by choice and as a registered dietitian mom, I respect and support that decision. Since I prepare the majority of the family meals and we don’t have any allergies, I tend to make a vegetarian dish that is balanced and includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates. My big emphasis is on feeding my kids food that comes from whole and minimally processed sources. We typically have some non-starchy vegetable paired with a legume and a grain or starchy vegetable. Simple yet delicious. So for example, last night, they had curry chickpeas with potato and collards served with red rice. The night before, I made a homemade tomato sauce with garlic, onion, carrots, mushroom and zucchini served with pasta, and the night before that, we had mixed mushroom stir-fry with broccoli leaves over a baked potato. We all eat the same foods and we always eat dinner as a family. From the time that both of my children were born, I’ve spent a great deal of pleasurable time in the kitchen creating foods that I enjoy and look forward to sharing with them.


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