Press, video

My at-home manicure is the ultimate form of self-care

I spoke to Well+Good about my at-home manicure routine:

What began as a way to stretch out the length of her salon manicures (which: same) eventually evolved into a self-care practice that Feller absolutely loves. The key is in small touches, like running a diffuser with calming essential oils and using a hand cream that feels thick and luxurious.

“Now that I have a family and kids it’s really interesting, because when I go to the salon everyone’s like, ‘Oh it’s mommy time give her some space,’” Feller says. “But what I’ve actually discovered is when I do the manicure at home, I get the same kind of ‘[feeling], and I can create this whole salon-like feeling in my home, and it’s extraordinary.” Let’s hear it for making acts of self-care work in your life…wherever you are.

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