
How To Cut Out Caffeine Like A Grown Ass Woman

I contributed to this piece for Bustle about how to cut out the caffeine:

“In excess, caffeine for those that are sensitive can result in side effects such as increased heart rate (no good for someone with hypertension), feelings of anxiety, insomnia, decreased desire for food, increased thirst and heartburn,” Maya Feller, a registered dietician, tells Bustle. “Reducing one’s caffeine intake can ameliorate the aforementioned symptoms.”

Feller explains the best way to reduce your caffeine intake is by taking baby steps, and not to suddenly quit cold turkey. “Coming off caffeine is just like coming off any other drug. For some people they will feel the effects of caffeine in as little as 10 minutes, and like any drug, the body becomes accustomed to the feeling and eventually wants more. In order to not send the body into withdrawal — which is very uncomfortable— I would suggest a step down approach,” she says.

Read the full article here.

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