cancer cancer

Katie Couric Media: The Best Foods to Fight Cancer, According to a Nutritionist

In the article on Katie Couric Media, Maya offers tips on what to add to your plate (or remove from your cup) to help reduce your risk of getting cancer. Spoiler alert: Head straight to the produce aisle. Unfair, but true: Although we’re all susceptible to cancer, some of us have a greater risk of […]

Blueberry zucchini bread - Maya Feller Nutrition
cancer Antioxidant

Sourdough Blueberry Zucchini Bread

While my husband grew up making bread from scratch, something my grandmother also did, as an adult, I’ve learned to bake homemade bread. Being me,  I’ve become creative with the ingredients. And my latest creation is this Sourdough Blueberry Zucchini Bread, which tastes absolutely incredible! There’s nothing quite like the taste or smell of it […]