Learn w/ Maya Feller

Looking back at 2022

The social posts that you like the most!

As we round up the year 2022, I too am reflecting on the wins, challenges, and surprises of the year. I am deeply grateful for all of the lessons, the acknowledgment, the opportunity to share and teach health and nutrition from an inclusive anti bias lens.I am grateful for your presence here and for valuing (implementing, questioning, complementing) what I share on my social posts.

I thought it would be fun to offer a glimpse into the best-performing post of 2022. Check them out and enjoy whether you have missed them or are reviewing them for a second time.

These were the 2 best performing IG posts:

These are more viewed recent blog posts:

These are the most viewed newsletters beyond the 2022 Healthy Gift Guide:

I wish you a 2023 full of delicious meals, intentional self-care, moments of joy, dreams realized, lots of laughter and fun!

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