
Cado Vs. So Delicious Ice Cream

I spoke to LiveStrong in this piece about Avocado Ice Cream and its nutritional value compared to other vegan ice cream brands:

Compared to Cado, So Delicious is lower in fat, sugar and calories and higher in protein and fiber. However, it gets its added fiber from chicory root extract and is sweetened with erythritol, a low-calorie sugar alcohol, to keep its sugar content low.

“In comparison to So Delicious, Cado has fewer ingredients overall,” Maya Feller, RD of Maya Feller Nutrition, tells us. “Cado uses organic cane sugar and has the equivalent of three teaspoons of sugar per serving. I think desserts made from high-quality ingredients — like this Cado — can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet, especially when consumed in a mindful and intentional way.”

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